This polite “elderly” lady is holding up wonderfully at over a decade of age. Bumble B has always settled on the first breeding and has never had kidding issues so that has been a blessing. I finally had my herd appraised and was thrilled to have this sweet old buckskin doe claim a permanent score of EEEE 92! Not easy to top that! If you look at her body photo, you quickly notice that Bumble B is very sharp over the withers and is impressive in her uphill stance. I also admire this dark buckskin’s dairy character, body capacity, and wide, level rump. When it comes to milking, this girl is a dream. She has large teats and orifices and is thus milked out very quickly. Her rear udder attachment is very high but could be a little wider. This doe has tons of udder capacity and is a good milk producer. Ideally, I would like to see her smoother blending from the withers to neck and most of my home bred does have more length of body. This doe is much more than just an impressive pedigree. Bumble has earned many “Best of Breed” and “Best Udder” titles, in addition to her impressive LA score and 5* milking status. Bumble B is a very devoted mother and is and is often heard snorting her protest if anyone disturbs her little ones.
Birth Date: | 3/30/05 |
Registered: | ADGA – D1356800 , AGS |
Height: | 21 1/2″ |
LA Score: | EEEE 92 – 2015 |
Sire: Rosasharn’s TL Unregrettable
SS: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Tiger L +*S ‘E’
SD: ARMCH Rosasharn Uni 3*D ‘E’, 2*M E
Dam: ARMCH Rosasharn’s UMT Honey Bee 4*D ‘E’ 4*M
DS: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Under My Thumb +*S
DD: ARMCH Rosasharn’s Buckwheat Honey 3*D
ADGA Pedigree – click on photo for link | ![]() |
Kidding History
Birth Date: | Sire: | Kid Details: |
unknown before 2011 | ||
6/22/11 | As You Wish | single doe |
2/21/12 | Monet | triplets: buck, 2 does |
2/3/13 | Ultimate Praise | twin bucks |
2/20/14 | Reliance Moon | triplets: buck, 2 does |
4/19/15 | Union of Love | single buck |
1/1/16 | Huron Sunset | triplets: 2 bucks, doe |