Ulu is one of those does who has very often been a “bridesmaid” in the show ring.  In addition to her two grand champion ADGA legs, she has SIX reserve champion wins!  I have always thought that three reserve champion wins should add up to one champion leg.  I thought I had Ulu finished but alas, there was a complication in the paperwork and she never did become a finished champion.  However, she still looks great now so maybe it isn’t impossible to finish her. 


Birth Date:   2/18/09 (triplet)
Registered:   ADGA – D1505073
Height: 21″
LA Score: VEVE 89 – 2015


Sire:  AGS Rosasharn’s TL Galaxy *B

SS:   AGS Rosasharn’s Tiger L ++B
SD:  AGS Rosasharn’s Eclipse 2*M

Dam:  AGS Rosasharn’s Uni 2*M

DS:  AGS Goodwood Tom Thumb ++B
DD:  AGS Rosasharn’s Baby Usa 1*M

 ADGA Pedigreeclick on photo for link  Camanna_Ulu_chart

Kidding History

Birth Date: Sire: Kid Details:
6/22/11 Lucky’s Image triplets:  buck, 2 does
4/25/12 GoDaddy triplets:  2 bucks, doe
5/21/13 Hottie single doe
4/18/14 Glam Slam twins:  buck, doe
3/17/15 Red Apollo triplet does
3/21/16 Casanova twins:  buck, doe
6/21/17 Ryder triplets:  2 bucks, doe

 Major Show Wins