Dahlia’s parents are:
Sire: Finegan’s 89698 Clint
SS: 12830 OE Reed 99 Roy
SD: 10628 Wool Ridge 07-140 TW
DAM: Flying D 1210 Flower
DS: 9662 Standish B18 Billingsly
DD: 11008 Flying D 0102 Ginger

The North American BabyDoll SouthDown Sheep Association & Registry (NABSSAR) consider Dahlia “black” in color, even though she looks chocolate to me.
More about Dahlia . . .
This dark cutie was bottle raised and enjoyed the comforts of a family couch. Unfortunately, she bonded to a wild ewe when weaned and when I brought her home, Dahlia had forgotten her earlier ties to people. I guess sheep have bad memories!