CH Camanna FD Tasonni Blue

Tasonni combines near ideal general appearance with awesome feet and legs, a nice front end with sharp withers and tight shoulders, and has very good dairy character to top it off. Tasonni has awesome milking genetics in her pedigree and this young doe’s udder was not a disappointment when she freshened. Tasonni has a very well attached udder, both fore and rear. She has large, reasonably well placed teats and is easy to hand milk. As is typical of her bloodline, the medial takes awhile to fully develop so I expect an even more impressive udder with future freshenings. When her udder is totally full, Tasonni shows wonderful capacity. Ideally, her teats would be placed a bit closer to the medial of her udder. Even if she wasn’t so gorgeous, Tasonni would still be a favorite with her mellow and sweet personality.[


Birth Date:   2/16/06 (triplet)
Registered:   ADGA – D1374070; AGS
Height: 21″
LA Score: EEEV 92 – 2015
Extras: CH, blue eyes


Sire:   AGS Hayseed Farm’s FA Flash Dancer

SS:  AGS Hayseed Farm’s Final Answer
SD:  AGS Gay-Mor’s Lucky Native Dancer

Dam:   AGS Sugar Pine RHB Blue Victoria

DS:  AGS Twin Creeks RA Red Hot N Blue
DD:  AGS Mountain Quest Cinnamon Swirl


ADGA Pedigree – click on photo for link  Link to Pedigree

Kidding History

Birth Date: Sire: Kid Details:
6/21/06 Lion King triplets:  2 bucks, doe
3/11/08 Citation quads:  buck, 3 does
5/28/09 Dakota’s Legacy twins:  buck, doe
2/26/10 Tsunami quads:  3 bucks, doe
2/2/11 Blue Fiasco twin bucks
3/22/12 Honesty triplets:  buck, 2 does
4/13/13 Hottie twins:  buck, doe
3/19/14 Debonair twins:  buck, doe
1/31/15 Frankincense twin does
3/2/16 Casanova twins:  buck, doe

 Major Show Wins

2010 – ADGA Grand Champion, Best of Breed, and Supreme Best Udder and three ADGA Reserve Grand Champions
2011 – ADGA Grand Champion and two ADGA Reserve Grand Champions 2014 – ADGA Grand Champion, Best of Breed, and Supreme Best Udder