Goats for Sale

Nigerian Dairy Goats For Sale

The slider below shows our currently available goats, click the picture to go to the goats personal page.

Camanna VE Shoshona Valentine

Sire: Camanna AE Valentino Encore Dam: Camanna BK Alpine Jasmine Moon

Camanna PK Raspberry Parfait

Sire: Wood Bridge Farm Promise Kept Dam: Camanna BK Blueberry Daiquiri

Camanna OMF Ophelia in Blue

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Frankincense Dam: Camanna PC Cleopatra in Blue

Camanna HS Black Sapphire Moon

Sire: Castle Rock Huron Sunset Dam: Old Mountain Farm MoonShadow 2*M

Camanna BK Blueberry Daiquiri

Sire: Camanna BTA Blue Moon Knight Dam: Camanna BBS Blueberry Passion

Camanna BBS Blueberry Passion

Sire: Camanna MV Bonafide Blue Suede Dam: CH Poppy Patch Blueberry Parfait

Pricing and Reservations for 2025 Kids

Please trust that our lower prices on kids (compared to some breeders) are not a reflection of lower quality animals. In past years, we have been honored to receive the “Premier Breeder” and “Premier Exhibitor” banners for nine years at the Oregon State Fair.  Also, past Linear Appraisal scores reflect the quality of our animals.

doe kids – $300 to $750

buck kids – $200 to $450 

wethers and retired gems – $100+ 

The majority of kids born with correct conformation and show/milk potential will be priced at $450. Our kids that have added “frosting” such as polled and/or blue-eyes and/or moon spotteds may be priced $100-$200 higher than comparable brown-eyed, disbudded kids because of the greater demand for the extra “goodies” by many buyers.  Kids out of finished champion does and/or does with high (excellent) linear appraisal scores will be $600 to $700.  I would be happy to quote you a more exact price on a particular breeding. I wish I could let you know ahead of time which kids will be retained in my herd but unfortunately, I am not that good a decision maker. I will be selecting my replacements based on genetics, conformation, dam’s udder, and other characteristics. I may not make my final selections until late spring when the majority of the kids are born. As the breeder, I get the privilege of ALWAYS having first choice of all kids born. I will do my best to fill kid reservations fairly and to the best of my ability but if your desires are very specific or if you are not near the top of the “wait list”, you may need to be patient and wait for the next kidding season.  I am not able to predict what kids will be born.  Thank you for your understanding.


There will be NO DEPOSITS taken this year to hold unborn kids. If you would like to be on the “wait list” for 2025 kids, take a peek at the pair-ups on the breeding schedule and let me know what you are interested in.  Please understand that the 2025 list is already fairly long and so if you have a lot of requirements in the kid of your dreams, your name may not come up on the reservation list until next year. To be on the kid wait list, please share your name, city, state, number for texting, and email address with me.  In addition, let me know the number, gender, and other specifications about the kid(s) you hope to add to your herd.  If you have already paid a deposit, you are on the top of the list as I switch to my new reservation system.

No payment will be required until kids are born, photographed, priced, and selected.  I hope to photograph and price kids at about a week to ten days of age.  When you commit to purchasing particular kids, you then owe half payment and the balance is due when the kids are ready to go to their new home.  You will be given 48 hours to decide if you want a particular kid after I send the photos, price, and information on the kid to you.  Please be sure I have several ways to contact you easily so you don’t miss out.  Kidding season is a crazy busy time and I can’t spend a lot of precious time trying to reach you.  Some kids will be offered for sale when more mature because I will be retaining extra kids until the majority are born and I can finalize my set of “keeper” kids.  Payments are non refundable but if an emergency arises, at my discretion, I may be willing to transfer your payment to a future purchase.

If you are unable to pick up or secure transport at the time the kid or mature goat is ready for their new home, you will be required to pay for the goat in full and pay $4 per day for board/care/feed.  At the time you commit to purchasing a particular kid or mature goat, you will be given an estimate of the time your goat will be ready to come home with you.  In some cases, this will be as a bottle baby and with other kids, it may be at weaning time, generally about two months of age for buck and wether kids and a few weeks older for doe kids.

Shipping & Travel

As is the norm in the animal industry, all expenses, including shipping, travel crate, health check up, health certificate, and any further testing (required by you or the state you live in) are your financial responsibility.

Please call airlines for up to date costs and requirements.


We guarantee the fertility of our breeding animals and will replace an infertile doe or buck. A statement from a veterinarian will be required to establish that the infertility is of genetic origin and not due to lack of proper care. Our goats are healthy when they leave our farm. However, because we can not control the stress of shipping and the animal’s management and environment after it leaves our care, we can not offer further health guarantees. Here is what we do NOT guarantee, although we wish we could! No one can accurately predict the mammary system of a doe kid so unfortunately, it can not be guaranteed. We are striving to produce does with excellent mammary systems and will give you our best educated guess on a doe kid’s potential. Furthermore, every breeder can also only give an educated guess on how a young animal will develop as it matures. Therefore, we are unable to offer a height guarantee. So far, we have not had any of our does grow taller than the ADGA height limit of 22 1/2 inches.

Animal Health

We test annually for CAE through Oregon State University where the most accurate CAE test (ELISA) is used. The herd is all CAE negative and has tested negative since we started testing in 2001. Our most recent complete herd CAE testing was done in Feb. 2022. The herd has also been tested negative for Johnes (2022) and CL but I don’t test for these diseases on an annual basis, although I watch the herd closely.  The herd is dewormed and vaccinated on a regular basis.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to consider our goats as a potential new addition to your herd. If you decide to purchase any of our animals, we will work with you to insure that there is a smooth transition for your new goat(s) when you purchase them. We love to stay in touch with our customers (and potential customers too!) and look forward to getting to know you. Our customers are very important to us and we rely on word of mouth for much of our advertising. We are totally hooked on these wonderful little dairy goats and plan to be in the business for a long time.